Si eres un hombre y quieres deshacerte de ese vello de manera permanente, el precio de la depilación láser para hombres puede ser un factor importante a tener en cuenta. En este artículo, te explicaremos ¿Cuánto cuesta este tratamiento y por qué puede ser la mejor opción para ti? ¿Estás listo para decir adiós al […]

Intimate male waxing Barcelona is one of the most demanded services and methods, it is a fast, safe procedure with less discomfort. This topic has long ceased to be a taboo for men and has become a beauty ritual. With this technique, all types of hair removal are performed, such as Brazilian hair removal that […]

Male laser hair removal together with male facial aesthetic medicine Barcelona It is a service that has become very popular throughout Spain, if you are one of the men who will do it for the first time in the first session, you should know that the first sessions are carried out every two or three […]

THE LUMBALGIA It is localized pain in the lower back, grabbing part of the gluteus and pinching some nerves, throughout life 80% of the population have suffered it at least once in their life to different degrees. CERVICALGIA DEFINITION “NECK PAIN” It could be an inflammation of the nerves and muscles that affect the cervical […]

Tired of shaving over and over a month? Want to get rid of razor irritation? Do not think twice and opt for male intimate waxing Barcelona, as it is a long-lasting, fast method and does not produce irritation. Like another of the treatments of male waxing Barcelona. Because razors cut hair but do not uproot […]

EVER WONDER HOW BOTOX FOR MEN DIFFERS FROM BOTOX FOR WOMEN? You asked yourself, “Why do men get Botox?” You may be curious to know what kind of man gets Botox. If so, this is for you: everything you ever wanted to know about Botox for men HOW MANY MEN GET BOTOX? Believe it or […]